Right from the beginning, MacCarthur shows through explanation, the lessons which must be learned from the ‘Bold Confrontation of Christ.’ This is noted prominently on the cover, as well as the title page.
“The Jesus You Can’t Ignore,” by John MacCarthur, is a premier explanation of God’s love for us. MacCarthur’s depiction and clear cut explanation of Jesus’ time on earth should convince even the hardest heart that He came to earth as the Savior of all mankind. I would venture to say that even the hardest heart would be transfixed and softened by the descriptions and the Scripture used throughout this Study Guide. If the Preface and Introduction don’t convince the reader of the power of God, all they need to do is begin reading Chapter One, ‘When It’s Wrong to Be Nice.’
This chapter begins with Scripture from Luke 20:45-46 – Then in the audience of all the people He said unto His disciples, “Beware of the scribes, which desire to walk in long robes, and love greetings in the market, and the highest seats in the synagogues. And the chief rooms at feasts. (KJV). In this portion of the Scripture, Jesus is speaking of the Sanhedrin and the Sadducees, not to mention the Pharisees themselves.
Jesus came to earth to teach and of course take away our sin. The question which arises here is whether we as sinners are going to accept Jesus as our Savior.
In “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore,” the reader is confronted with the Truth. Jesus was not always kind or gentle in His teachings. Sometimes He needs to be blunt, as evidenced with His conversations, battles and confrontations with the Pharisees. MacCarthur explains how the religious leaders tended to add rites and rituals beyond what God intended, and when Jesus confronted them with it, the Pharisees rebelled. Such a waste on their part.
I could go on for quite a long time, but, I strongly urge everyone to purchase and read/study the manuscript of John MacCarthur’s “The Jesus You Can’t Ignore.”
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