“The Least Among You” a production of Lionsgate and presented by Witenuckle LLC & Rough Diamond Productions, is a movie based on a true story of faith, family and commitment. Richard Kelly, played by Cedric Sanders, is a young man arrested during the 1965 Watts Riots for beating a police officer. He is sentenced to probation, providing he attends an all White Seminary. When Kelly arrives at the seminary, he finds obstacles there that dwarf those on the outside world.
What I expected was to be watching the trials and tribulations of faith in one young man, only to find that many if not all of the characters in this film were battling with their own faith and commitment. This movie has many top name actors. Louis Gossett, Jr,, the gardener, Lauren Holly, the schools’ only female professor, and William Devane, the schools’ administrator are just a few of the wonderful actors which bring this story to life.
Along the way Kelly, played by Cedric Sanders, finds that he is bucking a system at every turn, yet keeps fighting for what is right. He finds a mentor in Samuel Benton, the gardener, played by Louis Gossett Jr.
My favorite line in this movie is “Leaders are not chosen, they’re called.” God speaks to each and every one of us in His own way. We need to listen and be ready to do His work. As the title implies, it is not always the strong and mighty that are called, but in most cases the weakest or the least of us are to take charge when change needs to be made.
This is a wonderful movie that should be an inspiration to anyone who sees it.
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