Monday, August 15, 2011

"Be The People", by Carol M. Swain, PhD (A MUST READ)

I have just had the pleasure of reading what could be called a very controversial book entitled "Be The People", by Carol M. Swain. Swain takes great strides in outlining just how our country has seemed to have forgotten where our roots are. That being of a Judeo-Christian background, and how that basic faith has eroded. One can only guess at how this has occurred or maybe somehow we have allowed it to happen.
Swain, is certainly on the Conservative side of the argument, and she backs up her writings with the apparent well thought out and researched plan to bring us back to America's faith and promise. Each chapter dedicates itself to a particular aspect and at the end of each chapter, you will find what the author calls an Action Plan. This Action Plan is a series of questions or thoughts related to the previous chapter, to give the reader a starting point to find out how we can correct the errors.
Our Founding Fathers took great pains and strides in forming this great nation and these aspects are also included in the wonderful book. At the end of this book you will find some of our most important documents. ' The Ten Commandments', ' The Declaration of Independence', ' The Bill of Rights', and ' The Constitution of the United States of America.' Now the previous are certainly documents and creeds that we can all live by.
I'd like to thank Book Sneeze, (Thomas Nelson Publishing), for the opportunity to both read and review this outstanding piece of literature. I'd also like to commend the author, Carol M. Swain, PhD, for her tireless efforts in putting forth such as informative book.

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